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The building of the Palazzo dell'Autorità Portuale in Bari

The building of the Palazzo dell'Autorità Portuale in Bari

The building of the Palazzo dell'Autorità Portuale in Bari, designed by architect Pietro Maria Favia in 1939, is composed of a detached, compact, isolated block, located away from the Bari pier, and shaped in plan on a portion of a circular crown. The load-bearing masonry building with horizontal elements and flat roof is developed on two above-ground levels, intended for the offices of the Port Authority of Bari, and a basement level designated for storage and technical rooms.

Archimeter conducted a 3D laser scanner survey of the external structure of the Palazzo dell'Autorità Portuale in Bari, including elevations and roof plans.

Furthermore, using a drone, orthophotoplanes of the elevations and roof were created for mapping elaborates to identify the deterioration and defects, preliminarily to the restoration works of the Palazzo dell'Autorità Portuale in Bari.

Project Description